For measuring the deflection of flexible pavement under the action of moving wheel loads.
Type | Part Name | Specification | Qty | |
JI-451 | Fixed Beam | Alumunium profile frame, 3 points adjuster, with vibrator and dial holder. Alumunium strip arm, 1: 2 lever ratio | 1 | set |
JI-455 | Tire Gauge | 120 psi capacity. | 1 | pc |
JI-456 | Surface Thermometer | Range 0 – 100 deg.C | 1 | pc |
JG-137 | Dial Indicator | Range 30 x 0.01 mm. | 1 | pc |
NJDM teknik sipil CV NEW JAYA DWIPA MANDIRI produsen distributor alat uji laboratorium teknik sipil alat uji lab tanah alat uji lab batuan alat lab beton alat lab semen (cement mortar) alat lab aspal preparasi mining dan hidrolika fluida kualitas tinggi dan bergaransi.