Specific Gravity Vacuum Method


JS-340 A
ASTM D-854 / AASHTO T-100
For determining specific gravity of soil sample

TypePart NameSpecificationQty
JS-342Vacuum HosePlastic hose with rubber bung, 1 valve.1set
JG-363Mixing BowlStainless steel, 250 mm dia.1pc
JG-404Graduated Cylinder500 ml capacity.1pc
JG-432 AErlenmeyer Flask500 ml capacity.1pc
JG-473FunnelGlass, wide mouth.1pc
JG-521Wash Bottle,  250 ml capacity.1pc
JG-530PipetteGlass, 5 ml capacity.1pc
JG-600ThermometerRange 0 – 50 deg.C.1pc
JG-679Vacuum Manometer4″ dia., 0 – 76 cm HG.1pc
JG-680Vacuum PumpRotary Pump.1pc
Dimension (l x w x h)  :   70 x 70 x 70 cm
Gross Weight  :    45 kg


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